About Dr Nat

I’m a Leader, a Skilled Communicator, and an Accessibility Advocate.

My mission is threefold:

  • Use my Powers for Good: Use my skills and experience to help others!
  • Share the “Good Stuff”: Whatever I’ve learned, don’t keep it to myself!
  • Make the World a Better Place: Be part of the solution, not the problem!

I’m the Process Safety Lead at the largest energy company in New Zealand, helping to “keep the energy inside the system” so that people and communities remain safe from catastrophic events. Prior to this role, I managed the production of safe work procedures for wind turbine maintenance, which is a unique multiple-hazard working environment over 70 meters up in the air. I also lead a team of Accessibility Champions who promote disability inclusion for staff and customers.

This job has taught me fascinating things about industrial safety, human factors (“human error”), psychology, and how to lead with influence and change organizational culture. It’s also allowed me to reinvent myself as a leader, a technical communicator, and an advocate for disability rights.

About DrNatJG.com

This is a place for me to share what I’ve learned and discuss topics that interest me.

In 2021 I took a course in digital accessibility which made me rethink my approach to this site and resolve to make it as accessible as possible. Now this site is not only a blog and a writing portfolio, it’s also an experiment where I can learn and demonstrate best practices for web accessibility.

Read more about my reasons for shifting to Drupal and why I migrated the site back to WordPress.

Cartoon of a man with wild eyes and wild hair typing at a computer
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